Discord Emoji Converter

Convert Discord shortcodes to emojis

Discord Emoji Converter

For a Discord bot I was making, I needed to convert Discord emoji shortcodes to emoji characters, so I made an NPM package to do just that. If you don’t know, shortcodes look like \:grin: and that resolves to 😁, for example. When Discord bots recieve messages, however, the emojis given are in shortcode form, I needed them in character form. I figured other people might also need one, so I built a little NPM package.

It’s very small and very simple. It contains three functions, an error class, and an object. Yet as far as I know, there is no package like it. It makes sense though, the demand for such a package is small, it’s not very often that you would need to do such a thing. With only 154 downloads, it is my least downloaded file, but it works on a very useful (private) Discord bot that I still use today.

The three functions I have are getEmoji(), getShortcode(), and emojify(). getEmoji() is the main purpose of the package, it converts a shortcode to an emoji, however I have also provided getShortcode(), which is just the opposite, that is, it takes an emoji and converts it to a shortcode. However, emojify() is probably the one used most often, it takes a string, like a sentence or phrase, and converts all the shortcodes in the string to emojis. I provided it as I felt that that was something that would be used often. I did not include a shortcodify() function because I felt that there would not be a case where that would be needed.

The package uses a modified and minified JSON file from Kalingoo on GitHub, which you can view here. You can also download this package from NPM here and view the source on GitHub here.