
A little bit about myself.

About Me

Hi, I'm Arkin Solomon. Coding has always been something I've been interested in from a young age. I learned to code when I was in 5th grade, starting with Java. I then learned basic AppleScript and wrote a few quiz games in AppleScript until I discovered Khan Academy and their computer science section, written in JavaScript. I learned to make spin-offs of code and write basic programs.

From 7th grade to the beginning of 9th grade I didn't really code much. I was soon bored after aimlessly writing code and having no specific goal in mind. Towards the end of 9th grade I decided to actually start coding and taking things seriously. Since then, I have explored different technologies and learned more languages. I have created games, NPM packages, Discord bots, Minecraft plugins, my own programming language, and much more.

Currently, I am a junior computer engineering student at Cedarville University and aspire to work as a full stack software developer. Currently I work at Cedarville University for web services, primarily developing mobile applications using Flutter.

I can pick up on new programming techniques and new languages very quickly. I have experience with C++, C#, Dart (with Flutter), HTML/CSS, Java, JavaScript (and Node.Js/Bun) and Python, among other programming languages and technologies. I have completed the Google IT Automation with Python Certificate. Whilst managing my workload at Cedarville, I am also working on personal projects. You can checkout all of my projects here.
Language Stats